Warning signs are widely used just about everywhere. Have you ever noticed how many warning signs are around us which we encounter every day? It may be an area where cleaning was just done, and a “Wet Floor” sign would be placed on the floor to warn passersby against slipping, or warnings painted on the floor at pedestrian crossings to warn pedestrians to watch out for traffic before crossing the road.
Warning signs are so widely used and accepted, that often when accidents do happen, one of the first few criticisms might be the lack of adequate warning, and the solution is often to call for more warnings to be posted.
Yet despite the proliferation of warning signs, accidents continue to occur. One possible reason is because warning signs have become so commonplace, that we may end up ignoring them or overlooking them rather than to consider all the various warnings. Warning signs themselves do not prevent danger, but harm is averted only when we heed the warnings and take the necessary precautions.
In Matthew 12:38-39, certain of the scribes and Pharisees requested for a sign from Jesus. They demanded for Jesus to perform a miracle in front of them, to prove His claim that He is the Son of God. Jesus condemned them for their request in Matthew 12:39 – “an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.” Why did Jesus condemn the desire for signs as proof? John 20:30-31 states clearly that the miracles performed by Jesus were meant to be signs of proof of Jesus’ divinity. The problem with the scribes and Pharisees was that they were asking for a sign despite the many miracles that Jesus had already performed - an evil and unbelieving people would never be satisfied, but would continue to ask for more signs. Having more warning signs do not prevent us from danger unless we believe the warnings and act upon them.
In Matthew 24:3, when Jesus forewarned of the impending destruction of the temple at Jerusalem, the disciples asked Jesus whether there would be warning signs for when that would take place and if there would be a sign when Jesus comes again in judgment. Jesus spoke of warning signs in Matthew 24:4-34 that would identify when the destruction of Jerusalem would take place, and it is traditionally believed that Jewish Christians fled from Jerusalem, having heeded these warnings. Warning signs can save lives when they are heeded.
However, regarding the Day of Judgment, Jesus says in Matthew 24:36-39 that there would be no specific warning signs to warn of its coming. However, the absence of warning signs is not the absence of warning. Instead we are well-warned that since we do not know when that day would come, we would have to be ready (Matthew 24:44).
One way to be ready is to be open and self-reflective. We are told in 2 Corinthians 13:5 to examine ourselves. When we perform a full-body health check-up, we may get many “warning signs” from the results – maybe cholesterol levels are on an increasing trend – we may need to make some changes e.g. watch our diet, exercise, etc. in order to prevent the onset of disease. A health check-up does not benefit us if we do not heed the “warning signs.” Similarly, in our spiritual self-examination, when we note any “warning signs”, change is necessary to prevent further deterioration. If we continue to let things remain status quo, then like the man looking in the mirror and forgetting thereafter (James 1:24), we miss the warning and put ourselves in potential danger.
Spiritual warning signs are readily present around us – whenever we read the Bible or hear the sermons preached and attend the bible classes. These are opportunities for us to consider the warnings from the Scriptures and to take the necessary steps to change the course of our lives. Let us pay closer attention to them and not take these warnings for granted.