In the year ahead, we will be getting to know some of our newer converts who have been added to the Lord’s church over the past few years. We talk to sis Ruth who found us here at LAP in her search for truth. Read on to find out more about this lady who is always all-smiles when you see her.

Tell me about yourself. How would you introduce yourself to someone you've not met before in church?
Hi, I am Ruth. I came to attend LAPCOC congregation worship in Mar 2023. It is a great blessing that I came back to the salvation of Jesus Christ again and was baptized in July 2024. Previously, I was from a denomination. It is the Lord that led me to this Church of Christ family. I am very grateful to our God for His guidance that I am able to join this church, for it has classes of Bible study that I can apply and be grounded in His Word and continue to grow in faith spiritually and to be in line with God's way and His will for me.
Thanks for sharing how you came to LAP! What helped you decide to be baptized?
It is the gospel sermon preached, and reading the Word of God makes me understand that I need to obey the gospel. This understanding deepened from the beginner's Bible class I attended. I wanted to give thanks to my Bible class teacher sis Chee Ming for teaching the Word of God and clearing a lot of doubts by showing what is written in the Holy Scriptures. The Word of God strengthens my faith in Christ. In the end, I decided to obey the plan of salvation, I heard, I believed, I repented, I confessed, and was baptized. I have been added by the Lord to His church. Amen.
👍 Thanks for sharing how you came to know of the truth! Indeed, studying the Bible helps us to understand what God desires for us and we can align our lives accordingly. May we be doers of the Word and not just hearers only. To me, studying the Bible never grows old - I always get new insights each time I study it.
What do you enjoy most about coming to church thus far? Any favourite Bible passage/verse that you find meaningful?
I enjoy most that I can go to the Lord's church and listen to His Word, taught by those whose teaching is from the truth of the Bible.
I am very grateful and blessed that I can go to the House of the Lord worshipping Him and having fellowship with all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
The whole book of the Bible contains numerous Bible verses that guide us towards the straight and narrow way. God gives eternal life to those who understand and apply His Word in their Christian life on earth. In order to draw near to God, one needs to take less care of this earthly life. Firstly, one must abandon one's old sinful self that is going after the things of this world. One should set their eyes on the things that are above, which are eternal. My verse is Ecclesiastes 1:2: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
The opportunity to worship, listen to God's word being preached and have fellowship is precious. I can see your conviction and determination shining through!
What about outside of church? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
This should be the toughest question to answer. Working full-time, 8.30 am to 5.30 pm from Monday to Friday, there is not much free time. Saturday is my housework chores day. Sunday is the Lord's Day. I have long been praying to God to guide me, so that I can manage my time wisely. I am sad that most of the time, I can't even do my devotion or Bible reading after a long day at work. Unfortunately, I tend to fall asleep when reading the Bible.
I feel you... It is tricky to find the balance between work, church and life. For most of us, it is an ongoing journey of trying to create space in our schedules and trying to make Bible reading a daily habit
What do you work as?
I am working as a manufacturing operative. My job scope mainly involves processing medical devices, which involves checking and testing.
I would imagine that requires a high-level of detail-orientation! What inspired you to go into this line of work?
The medical devices our company manufactures are mostly not for sophisticated usage. It is an external use. The product is V-set to be connected to the drips. Therefore, it doesn't need complex processes so it is not so stressful. I took up this job as I wanted to slow down my working lifestyle.
That's great! There's an increasing level of stress in work nowadays so this is a great example of making conscious choices for all of us here.
On a more light-hearted note, what gives you energy outside of work? What are 3 words your friends and family would use to describe your personality?
The compliments from my family and friends are that i am hardworking, very understanding, and humble.
👍👍👍 What is one interesting/surprising fact about yourself?
I want to give thanks to our merciful Lord Jesus Christ. I was once a very arrogant person. Through Christ's redemption, I am able to understand and forgive in many aspects of this worldly unrighteousness. And because of Christ's love, i am able to walk in the path of humility.
Before we wrap up the interview, is there anything else you would like to share?
No, thanks Michelle.