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Growing Closer - Germaine Tan

Michelle Chan

It is the start of a new year and we caught up with sister Germaine to find out more about her Christian journey and how it is going as a young mother.


Tell me more about yourself. What do you work as and what do you enjoy doing outside of work?


I was working as a sustainability consultant for the first three years and I’m currently a research engineer in the sustainability and life cycle management. Outside of work, I enjoy sports and outdoor activities, such as basketball, table tennis, rock climbing etc.


That's interesting! Sustainability is a focal point for many in the world right now. What would you say is your biggest takeaway from your work in the field?


Well, there are many takeaways from the idea of sustainability as it is a wide topic. The idea of sustainability is for a good cause, for example in making sure wages are paid fairly, protecting the environment that we have been blessed with, and striving for anti-corruption. These are some of the topics of sustainability that I feel are close to our beliefs as Christians. The biggest takeaway is that these ideas are not new, they have already been revealed to us through God’s word.

One note of caution about sustainability is that not all ideas presented are in line with God’s word: for example, the idea of inclusivity, which calls for accepting people for who they are. Although it’s right to not discriminate against individuals, the line becomes blurred when the PRIDE/LGBTQ movement starts to be embraced through this idea. I could go on and on about this but I shall stop here haha.


What is one little known fact about you?


One little known fact about me is that ballroom dancing was my CCA back in primary school, but I wasn’t exactly good at it. I thank God that I’m not as it wouldn’t have been suitable to pursue it as a Christian with regards to dressing and modesty.


I have tried ballroom dancing before - I had to learn waltz leading up to my school's graduation ball. But being someone with 2 left feet, it didn't go too well for me…


It’s okay I totally understand haha! I’ve had many of those instances too!😂


How did you come to be baptized?


I used to attend a Pentecostal church as my good friend had invited me over. However, when I met David (then friend/boyfriend and now husband), he shared the truth with me from the Bible and helped me to understand what is, and is not, from the Bible. Also, he brought me to Jurong COC where I had 1-1 bible classes with brother Chee Meng (Amos). There were two motivations. Firstly, it was my desire to be added to the Lord’s church as I had found out that I wasn’t spiritually saved according to the instructions of God. Secondly, it was the verse in Acts 8:36 about the Ethiopian eunuch who said “See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?” that motivated me not to wait any longer.

(Pentecostalism is a form of Protestantism that emphasises the work of the Holy Spirit and the direct experience of the presence of God by the believer.)


Thanks for sharing on how you came to be baptized! You mentioned that you had been studying with brother Chee Meng from Jurong COC. How did you come to place your membership with LAP?


Oh it was simply because of distance that I placed my membership in LAPCOC as I was staying at Punggol then.


Looking back at your Christian journey thus far, what would you say are your highlights and struggles thus far?


I would say the highlights are the challenges that I’ve met with being a Christian. Some of my struggles include patience (I’m still struggling with it now actually), and anger. I feel that I’m better able to control my anger now compared to five years ago when I was first baptized. I feel that overcoming these shortcomings gives me a lot of joy in life, as I see how God’s word has had an effect on my life when I apply it, and it gives me the confidence that I can be better each day. This reminds me of the verse in James 1:2 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations.”

Although the road in life is tough, overcoming the obstacles gives me a lot of joy!


That is very applicable insight that we can apply to our lives. What would you say are your fondest memories in church?


One of my fondest memories would be helping to prepare the Lord’s supper with Auntie Jane and Uncle Chong Ping in the morning, and the making of unleavened bread with the other sisters in church.


Nice! Indeed, there is a joy in serving others and doing things together! What is your favourite Bible verse and why?


I don’t really have a favourite Bible verse actually. I feel that everything in the Bible is equally meaningful (when I understand them, that is).


Moving on to a different topic (and one that I am sure has been a very significant part of your life over the past year), how has the transition to parenthood been? Do you have any advice for parents-to-be/young parents?


I don’t have any specific advice to share at the moment, but having been through the pregnancy stage and now at the newborn stage, I would say that the church has played such an important role in my life. So, to the parents-to-be/young parents, it is a challenging road ahead, but the church is always here to help. If anyone requires items/advice, I’m always open to share them if I can!


Any last comments?


I truly appreciate the brethren who have checked in on me during and after my pregnancy. I also appreciate the sisters who’ve been such great support by giving me advice when I needed them, and also giving/lending clothes and items to both myself and baby Yue Ning. Truly God has been so good to me!


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