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Growing Closer: Farah Wu

Michelle Chan

Our interviewee for the month of June is Farah. Some of you may have watched her grow up in the church while some of you may not yet be acquainted with her. She’s a really warm and friendly person so do say hi when you spot her!


First up, tell me more about yourself! What are you currently doing?


I'm a freelance musician! Most of my work involves teaching violin or piano 1-to-1, as well as conducting string ensemble CCA. When my schedule allows, I also play for gigs. Hopefully in the future I can teach from home more and have more time to work on my own music projects 🌚


Wow! That's a lot of musical talent right there! Teaching violin and piano and conducting sounds like you need to tap on different parts of your brain just to get all of that done. Are there any challenges you face?


The variety and multitasking is part of the fun! I enjoy teaching because every student is different so it's not too repetitive work. The main challenge would be trying to strike a balance between interest (especially for young kids) and developing technical ability.


Nice! You look like you're enjoying what you do and I think that's the most important thing. Is there anything that might come as a surprise to someone who just got to know you?


Probably might be surprising that I enjoy gaming? Not hardcore games, just casual strategy games - previously was hooked on Hearthstone and Runeterra, most recently super auto pets. I used to play league of legends as well but now I just follow the eSports scene.


Oohh it's surprising to me that you enjoy gaming! What do you like about gaming and when did you start? Anything interesting you have come across?


I started playing around 15 y/o with some friends' introduction. I particularly enjoy the problem solving process, finding the most efficient method to win consistently (much like playing an instrument without the physical precision required heh).


Any last fun fact about yourself? Because moving on to spiritual matters, I am curious - how did you come to know of God and when did you get baptized? And how has your walk with God been since?


I've been coming to church since I was a child with my parents and got baptised in 2012! It was tough when I was in school because of the gazillion things I was trying to do, but I was always encouraged by LAP members and youths from other sg msia congregations whom I had met during ydp. After JC I had the freedom to allocate my time differently and prioritise church services and events, so I gradually grew closer to God. Visiting different congregations while studying in the UK has also made me more aware of how important worship conduct and doctrine are, and thus more appreciative of LAP services and leaders.


I empathize! There's always 101 things to do in school and there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day to do everything reasonably well... It's really heartening to hear that you've made the choice to put God first in your life! Do you have any advice/tips for anyone who may be struggling with this aspect? How did you come to decide to spend more time on church services and events?

You mentioned about the YDP. For the uninitiated, could you tell me a bit more about it and some of your memories there?


The realisation that there's no point in hustling so hard for worldly achievements if I'm just gonna end up in hell 🌚 advice wise I think it's to have a more macro view on life - in the long run, sacrificing a few worldly goals/events really doesn't matter when compared with serving God who made the ultimate sacrifice for us

Youth development programme is a short camp that brings together youths from COC congregations in sg and msia. My biggest takeaway from ydp is growing closer to other Christians around my age, and knowing that we aren't alone in our struggles of learning how to adult as Christians


That's a great realisation right there! Could you share a bit more about the church activities you are involved in?


Currently I'm helping with the hymn recording project and Bible quiz


Nice! Really using your talent in music and creativity! Do you have any advice for someone who may be thinking of joining these initiatives but may be hesitating/holding back?


Don't be scared to record your singing for the hymn project - the more the merrier, everyone helps cover each other up. And then I'll edit and make it sound even better hehehehe

In general there's always something to be done and no matter how busy you may be, every little bit helps!


What are some of your favourite Bible verses/the verses you can remember? And why?


Matt 6:33 fav verse because it reminds me to prioritise and trust God.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Ecc 12:13-14

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

1 Pet 1:6-7

“Wherein ye greatly rejoice, through now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious that of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”


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