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Standing In The Gap To Win Souls

Alvin Lin

Text: Mat 9:35-38

A. Condition of the Lost.

  1. Physically. a. Jesus was “healing every sickness and every disease among the people”, while “preaching the gospel of the kingdom” (Mat 9:35). b. There are some in the world today who are physically struggling. c. Will we show them the love of God (Mat 5:16)?

  2. Spiritually. a. Jesus saw the multitudes as “sheep having no shepherd”, that are “fainted” and “scattered abroad” (Mat 9:36). b. There are some in the world today who are spiritually confused. c. Will we lead them to the good shepherd (2Co 4:5)?

  3. Mentally. a. Jesus observed that “the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few” (Mat 9:37). b. There are some in the world today who are mentally receptive. c. Will we sow in them the seed of the gospel (Joh 4:35)?

B. Compassion of our Lord.

  1. Responsive. a. Jesus’ compassion moved Him to go (Mat 9:35). b. There are some who are compassionate, but will not go. c. Will our compassion move us to “go” (Mat 21:30)?

  2. Extensive. a. Jesus’ compassion moved Him to go to “all the cities and villages” and heal “every sickness and every disease” (Mat 9:35). b. There are some who are compassionate that will go, but only to select few. c. Will our compassion move us to go “to every creature” (Mar 16:15)?

  3. Attentive. a. Jesus’ compassion moved Him to go even when He was tired and hungry (Mar 6:30-34). b. There are some who are compassionate that will go to everyone, but only when it is convenient. c. Will our compassion move us to go “in season, out of season” (2Ti 4:2)?

C. Call for Labourers.

  1. Pray. a. Jesus asked His disciples to pray to God (Mat 9:37-38). b. We need to pray to God because He is working with us (2Co 6:1). c. Will we pray for labourers (2Th 3:1-2)?

  2. Send. a. Jesus asked His disciples to request for more labourers to be sent (Mat 9:38). b. We need more labourers so that those who are willing to be taught can be reached by those who are willing to teach (Mat 7:7-8). c. Will we send labourers (Rom 10:14-15)?

  3. Go. a. Jesus asked His disciples to be labourers (Mat 10:5). b. We need to be labourers because the more labourers there are, the greater the harvest (2Co 9:6). c. Will we be labourers (1Co 9:16-17)?

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