A. Evangelism:
1) Invite someone for services.
2) Teach visitors.
3) Distribute flyers or tracts.
4) Share and like your congregation’s social media posts.
5) Design banners, posters, flyers for church events.
6) Serve at gospel meeting (befriender, reception, prepare or distribute refreshments).
7) Greet, welcome, or sit with visitors.
8) Create social media posts for gospel meetings.
9) Financially support missionaries.
10) Go for mission trips.
11) Email or message visitors for follow up visits.
12) Attend evangelism training workshops.
13) Conduct Bible studies in homes.
14) Sit in visitor class to learn how to teach visitors.
15) Wash baptismal clothes and towel.
16) Maintain church website.
17) Manage church social media channels.
18) Host Bible studies in your home.
B. Benevolence:
19) Visit or serve in funerals.
20) Organize prayer groups or prayer sessions.
21) First aider at church camps.
22) Bring food or drinks for church events.
23) Top up the first aid kit in the church building.
24) Open your home for Christian gatherings or visiting brethren from overseas.
25) Drive or ferry disabled or elderly brethren to/from services.
26) Cook/buy a meal for member(s) rushing down from midweek classes.
Show love and concern by visiting, calling, texting, writing a card or email to those who are:
27) Sick/hospitalized.
28) New converts or newly transferred members.
29) Elderly.
30) Widows.
31) Orphans.
32) Singles.
33) Irregular or absent from services.
34) Poor or needy.
C. Worship:
35) Control slides or help with livestream of services online.
36) Arrange chairs for services (including small chairs for children).
37) Prepare Lord’s Supper.
38) Wash Lord’s Supper cups and trays.
39) Count contributions collected.
40) Clean up after services.
41) Distribute or collect hymn books.
42) Assist with audio-visual set up for services.
43) Clean the church building.
D. Edification:
44) Prepare activities or speak for ladies’ fellowship.
45) Prepare or execute activities for senior fellowship.
46) Organize outings for members (kids, teens, ladies, families, elderly, singles, new members).
47) Bring children, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren for kids’ fellowship.
48) Attend church camp.
49) Organize games for fellowship events.
50) Encourage teens to sign up for teen fellowship events and activities.
51) Teach others how to sing in parts for singing fellowship.
52) Write bulletin articles.
53) Create and edit Bible-based children’s bulletin.
54) Write articles, create activities, or illustrate children’s bulletin.
55) Distribute or print sermon notes template to children.
56) Gift Bible-based quiet activities to children in church to be used during worship services (e.g. Jigsaw puzzles, coloring/fabric books for reading).
57) Record hymns for others to learn to sing in parts.
58) Open our homes for home zone fellowship activities.
59) Arrange to meet up with sisters for lunch to get to know them better.
60) Thank you messages to encourage those who teach and serve.
61) Write to missionaries to encourage them.
62) Gifts or welcome cards to new members.
63) Appreciation messages to elders.
64) Meals or gifts for workers.
65) Design T-shirts.
E. Restoration:
For those who have fallen away, we can:
66) Email or text them to see how they have been doing, and help meet their needs.
67) Invite them back for services.
68) Meet up with them for a meal (with the view to restore).
69) Invite them to our home (with the view to restore).
70) Share Bible verses or articles with them.
71) Send them a card or gift.
F. Visitation:
72) Visit or bring out members who live alone at home or in nursing homes.
73) Organize interest group activities and welcome members to join.
74) Help babysit members’ children.
75) Help clean up members’ homes (elderly, new parent).
76) Bring food or useful gifts for members.
G. Education:
77) Teach children classes on Sundays and midweek.
78) Be a teacher or assistant for children’s Bible classes.
79) Prepare teaching aids for children’s classes (e.g. puppets, crafts).
80) Train new teachers.
81) Teach at vacation Bible school.
82) Teach at kids’ fellowship events.
83) Bring children, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren for Bible classes.
84) Tell Bible stories to children, nieces, nephews or grandchildren.
85) Organize Bible study groups or outings for Christians who are students on campus (or children of Christians).
86) Share Bible-based articles with brethren.
87) Attend Bible classes on Sundays and midweek.
88) Mark Bible correspondence courses.
89) Decorate classrooms.
90) Sanitize cradle roll/nursery classrooms.
91) Prepare or setup questions and answers for Bible quiz.
92) Record videos of children songs with hand actions for teaching.
93) Translate articles or lessons.
H. General:
94) Repair and maintain church building.
95) Help with bookkeeping of church treasury.
96) Grass cutting or maintaining greenery on church premises.
97) Wash plates, cups, utensils.
98) Provide legal advice on church matters.
99) Take photos for events.
100) Tidy church supplies cupboard.
Source: Seow Hui, Ho. “Choosing My Area of Service in the Congregation.” 2023 Four Seas Lectureship. Edited by Peter Chin.